Parakeet Names

Whenever there is a new addition to the household it is customary to give the new member a name which will uniquely identify them from the crowd. So let’s extend this courtesy to our fine feathered friends, Parakeets! Parakeet names can sometimes be tricky to give, you don’t want to be too cliche but it can be amusing to draw…

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Parakeet Hand Training

Hand training a parakeet is a very easy and fun experience. There are many tricks and fun things that can be done with your parakeet after you have hand trained your bird. With a little time and patience a parakeet can be hand trained fairly easy. There are some factors to remember when deciding about hand training a parakeet. Remember…

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Parakeet Cages

When a parakeet is not out flying free, a cage in their home. There are a few steps that can be taken to ensure that your parakeet is happy and safe within their cage. Provided here are some standard recommendations for parakeet cages.

Parakeet Feathers

Parakeets have a lot of feathers. If you’ve ever owned one you know how feathers will be found inside the cage, outside the cage and in almost every room of the house, even ones the parakeet hasn’t been in! While a bit annoying at times a parakeet’s feathers are actually a very important part of their body. Feathers can be…

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Parakeet Diet

Parakeets can enjoy a wide range of foods from seeds, flowers, fruits and vegetables. All parakeets are vegetarians and enjoy non-meat food. Here are some suggestions for stocking up on some tasty parakeet friendly meals.

Parakeets as Pets

Although Parakeets are originally from the wild, these wonderful birds make great pets. As a child what their favorite animal is and usually the more traditional responses include dog, cat or fish. No one really thinks of parakeets as a pet, but the fact is these little birds make wonderful pets! Here are some of the great reasons that parakeets…

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Parakeet Information

Parakeets are popular pet options for people living in the US. They are friendly and sociable to humans and other surrounding birds. What is a parakeet exactly?

Tips for Buying a Cockatiel

Sadly it is all too common for people to buy a new pet from a pet store, form a bond with them, name them, love them…and then 2 weeks later your pet dies. Sometimes this can be the fault of the owner for not looking after their new pet properly but there are also times when the animal may have…

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General Dog Biscuit Recipes Information

General Dog Biscuit Recipes Information

The best dog treats your dog will ever have are those that you make in your very own kitchen using your dog biscuit recipes. If you truly love your pet it’s time to gather up a few recipes and head to your kitchen to make up a batch of homemade dog biscuits that your dog will surely love. Most dog…

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baby iguana toy

An Iguana Toy is More than Just a Toy

Alright – so you’ve bought the Iguana, got him a nice enclosure (complete with branches, a basking rock and UV lights), now what do you do if you want to play with him? First of all, Iguanas are quite a bit different to more common pets such as dogs. Iguanas are less playful than dogs, less affectionate than dogs and…

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